Monday, December 3, 2012

MY Final post

Hi guys... here is my final post~!  Portland~!!!

So many things happened during I stayed in Portland but If someone say to me " You have to chose

one things which happened in Portland", It will be so hard but i will chose that met my soccer team.

I really like soccer~! I can solve the my stress when I play soccer so I play soccer every weeks.

Also, I have a team in my country. The team is my all because my teammates make me so happy

and play with them also make me happy. When i decided to come Portland, I was so sorrow...

There were so many reason  but one of the reason is that I have to leave my team.

I was so worried that I can't play soccer during I stay in Portland because I thought USA people don't

like soccer. After i came in here, My neighbor who really like soccer gave me a information that

there are some soccer team in Portland~!!  I was so surprise~!!!

Here is Portland soccer's website. You can find a team in here... I found a team in here that name is


When they accept me, I was so happy and worried about someting because I'm a forigner so I worried

that they discriminate me ....

The summer season already finished so just 2 games left..

When it was time to have first game in my portland life, i was so embarrased~!!!

but All my teammates were so kind~!!! they always say hello to me first~! I like them and I think

they like me too~!

My position is Center forward. I scored the goal our last game in summer season~!!!!

Our fall season started at agust. today we have a final game. If we will win, we will become

a champion~! Also, this game is my last game .

I had a great time with my team. I practiced speaking english and I made a good relationship

with american. I will never forget my team and I will miss our team..........