Thursday, October 18, 2012

Go to LA


 I went to LA 2 month ago with my friend. LA is one of the popular cities in Korea. So I have known about LA. LA have a lot of things. I can't tell to you about all about things. I'm going to separate about LA story.

 Here is LA airport. I took this picture as soon as  I arrived at LA airport. Our hostel was far from airport so We had to ready for Pick-up service.


Getty center


  First day, We went to Getty center. Getty center was builted by Getty's son. Getty's hobby was that
collect the paint or precious things. So after he died, His son decided to make a museum.
Getty center is very huge museum! I thought that we took 3 hours for watching all about things.
You can see the third picture. I think that you have a experience which saw this picture. This is Louis 14's portrait. It is so famous so when i saw that i can't believe my eyes.


Here is universial studio. It also so famous park(?) in the world. Universial is famous movie company. There are many studios which made for making a film inside the park. So if you go to inside, you can participate in the studio tour. And also there are many rides. I remember riding Jurassic park. That was so horrible to me because this suddenlly fell down to the area so I was so surprise~!!!!!
  ------ END LA Chapter 1


  1. Hi! This is Tad. I've also been to L.A. and the universal studio many years ago, but I've never been to the Getty center. If I go there again, I'll drop by the center and see the portrait of Louis 14. He was called "King of the Sun", or something, right?
    I've been to Fisherman's Wharf and Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. How abou you?

  2. Hi~ Your trip is so exciting. I will go to the Universal Studio in December, I'm very excited about that. I got a lot information from this post. THANKS~~

    1. Oh Do you have a plan to go to LA ???

      That is nice~!! There are so many interesting thigs~!

      If you want to know about that, you can ask me

      Thank you for your comment~
