Thursday, November 29, 2012


Hi~! This time I'm going to tell you about seattle trip~!!! You guys know that Seattle is little bit near
by Portland where we stay. I went to go to there with my frieds.
It takes mybe 4 hours by bus from portland. Here is tip. if you guys go to anywhere, you have
to confirm your reservation before you depart. Because there was some trouble.
But the problem was solved well. We departed at 8:00 am.
When we arrived at seattle, we went to  Public market directly. public market is so popular in seattle.
i think some know about that or some don't know about that. Because There are first starbugs store in
public market. I really expect that. I though first starbugs store is so big and more fency.
But..... when we arrived at there... we disappointed....  
                                   First starbugs store is so small~!! and.... so old~!!!

                              But there were so many people in front of the starbugs store.....

At the night, we decided to ride a sheep because we wanted to watch night view in Seattle
You guys can see that picture. It is good, isn't it???
But .... actually, there wasn't special thing in Seattle so I think single day is enough to visit seattle

Grand cayon~!

Grand cayon~!

Hi~ guys~ today i'm going to tell you about Grand cayon~!

You guys know about that? Grand cayon have one of the great view in the world~!!

My friend and I made a reservation in the tour program so we have to depart at 6:30.

It takes 4 hours from Lasvegas. That was so hard~!

Finally, we arrived at Grand cayon~!! we was so tired but when we watched that view
We forgot our fatigue~!! That...That was awesome~!! You can't feel more moving than me
Because picture can't see all about thing~! you have to watch this view on your eyes~!!

                Grand cayon is placed in desert. Desert is so so so hot~!!!! Grand cayon also was so hot~!!

  So If you guys have a plan to go to there, you must bring your Sun glasses but I wore the sunglasses

 My eye was dry so my eye was so heart~!!!!

What do you think about that? Can you find a eagle in the picture??
Yes, that rock looks like eagle~! So that place is called Eagle point. Is it awesome ,huh~?
I was so surprise when i saw that. Nature makes that. It is nature's gift~!

You guys have to go to there before you guys die

Sunday, November 18, 2012



Hey~! I'm going to tell you about lasvegas episode 2~!

 I think every one saw this fountaion show on a TV. I also watched this show on the TV and movie  so I really want to see this show with my own eyes. This fountation show is so famous~!
If you couldn't see this show when you go to Lasvegas, you're Lasvegas trip will be fail.
This fountain dance like people~ I've never seen like this fountatin show~! That was... that was
awesome. I can't explain with(???) any wold.
Here is Lasvegas's dowtown. Actually, Here is original Lasvegas so people call this one
old Lasvegas. So this downtown was usually used by movie's background. Can you see that celling? That celling is a big screen so the celling's shape always changed.
Here is the longest tower in Lasvegas. What do you think about this tower?? Do you think it just tower? no no, It is also hotel. Anyway we entered this tower and went to top of the tower.
See~!! this night view is good, isn't this? 
  If you go to there, you can choose the ticket. There are two kind of ticket. One is that see the night view. The other is that can ride that one which is in the picture. There are some ride in top of the tower. I don't like scary things so just my friend want to try this one. When this ride statr, this ride move to cliff and bob~! I just wathced that but i was also scary~!!!

Lasvegas is one of the awesone city in the world~!! I really recommend to go to there before you leave the USA~!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012



Hi~! I'm going to tell you about my Lasvegas trip. I usually heard about Lasvegas and could see

Lasvegas in the TV. I really wanted to go there~! I heard that if you go to USA, you must go to

Lasvegas because Lasvegas is one of the reprasentative cities in the USA. I was so exciting when my

frend and i went to there~!

When we arrived at Lasvegas, we couldn't believe our eyes~! There were so many hotels in there and

looked like heaven~! There was so fabulous.

We stayed in Excalibur which is hotel. Lasvegas's hotel price was little bit cheap so we could stay in
 the hotel. Excalibur looked like castle because the hotel's thema is King. Actually, each hotels have a
 specific thema. For example ,  There was a hotel that name is Luxor. Luxor's thema is Egypt so
the hotel's appearence was Pyramid.
Here is Luxor. It looks like Egypt, don't it? and I introduce one more hotel  which made me
impressed. A hotel's name is Venetian. Do you guys know about the city which name is Venice?
Venice is located in Spain and was called ' The water city'. Venetian's thema is Venice.
Here is Venice. Do you think is here a outside or inside?? Here is inside~! I've never been to Venice
but i can imagine about Venice~!
Also I can't tell all about Lasvegas just one time so i will tell you about that next post~!