Sunday, November 4, 2012



Hi~! I'm going to tell you about my Lasvegas trip. I usually heard about Lasvegas and could see

Lasvegas in the TV. I really wanted to go there~! I heard that if you go to USA, you must go to

Lasvegas because Lasvegas is one of the reprasentative cities in the USA. I was so exciting when my

frend and i went to there~!

When we arrived at Lasvegas, we couldn't believe our eyes~! There were so many hotels in there and

looked like heaven~! There was so fabulous.

We stayed in Excalibur which is hotel. Lasvegas's hotel price was little bit cheap so we could stay in
 the hotel. Excalibur looked like castle because the hotel's thema is King. Actually, each hotels have a
 specific thema. For example ,  There was a hotel that name is Luxor. Luxor's thema is Egypt so
the hotel's appearence was Pyramid.
Here is Luxor. It looks like Egypt, don't it? and I introduce one more hotel  which made me
impressed. A hotel's name is Venetian. Do you guys know about the city which name is Venice?
Venice is located in Spain and was called ' The water city'. Venetian's thema is Venice.
Here is Venice. Do you think is here a outside or inside?? Here is inside~! I've never been to Venice
but i can imagine about Venice~!
Also I can't tell all about Lasvegas just one time so i will tell you about that next post~!


  1. This is Tad. I've been to Las Vegas once, but I didn't take pictures so many like you. The Egyptian one is nice! How much money did you use at Las Vegas? I usually don't gamble and it's my policy, so I spent only a quarter there...

    1. Oh Tad did you go to there, either?? Wow

      I couldn't remember how much money did i use...

      But actually, I gamble 2 times.... but just 2 time....

  2. Your pictures are very nice! I actually went to Venice and it really looks similar! When did you go there?

    1. Did you go to Venice?? really???? Oh~! you live near by Italy

      I mean more close than our country~! Wow I envy you~!

      I went to Lasvegas maybe 4 month ago
