Thursday, November 29, 2012


Hi~! This time I'm going to tell you about seattle trip~!!! You guys know that Seattle is little bit near
by Portland where we stay. I went to go to there with my frieds.
It takes mybe 4 hours by bus from portland. Here is tip. if you guys go to anywhere, you have
to confirm your reservation before you depart. Because there was some trouble.
But the problem was solved well. We departed at 8:00 am.
When we arrived at seattle, we went to  Public market directly. public market is so popular in seattle.
i think some know about that or some don't know about that. Because There are first starbugs store in
public market. I really expect that. I though first starbugs store is so big and more fency.
But..... when we arrived at there... we disappointed....  
                                   First starbugs store is so small~!! and.... so old~!!!

                              But there were so many people in front of the starbugs store.....

At the night, we decided to ride a sheep because we wanted to watch night view in Seattle
You guys can see that picture. It is good, isn't it???
But .... actually, there wasn't special thing in Seattle so I think single day is enough to visit seattle

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